My Work History


A full list can be found on my Gitlab profile


A self hosted video streaming platform

Designed and architected a cost effective scalable video streaming platform. Implemented deployment automation systems which reduce standard server maintainence to a single command. Reduced operational costs by evaluating optimal EC2 instance for the given network load.

Used the following tools:

  • Gitlab
  • Ansible
  • Rust
  • Tera Templating Engine
  • Typescript/Node
  • AWS
  • Terraform

Live project instance


FOSS Decentralized Chatting

Developed a scalable decentralized chat platform. Designed and documented asynchronous API protocol built with Rust, Python, and containerized all parts of the system for simple deployment. Also drafted a wiki page detailing all available endpoints which can be found here

Built with the following tools:

  • Rust for the backend REST API and RTC Notification Service

  • Python for full automated API testing

  • Gitlab CI/CD for integration testing and continuous deployment of containers

Handmade Operating System

An x86 kernel I wrote for fun and learning

Designed and implemented a baremetal x86 kernel written completely from scratch. ISO files are automatically built via Gitlab CI/CD pipelines which allow users to run the kernel on real hardware!

Tools and software used included:

  • C
  • x86 Assembly
  • Cutter
  • Bochs
  • No standard library & and no external libraries were used

Personal Static Blog

Powered By Hugo and Gitlab CI/CD

My own personal blog where I post about projects that I’m working on at the time. I keep the site maintained through the use of automated CI/CD pipelines with Gitlab and Hugo. Built a responsive site theme which leverages Go templates producing a lightweight front-end.

Tools used:

  • Gitlab CI/CD
  • Go templates
  • Ansible
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Live website can be found here:

Virtual Private Cloud Infrastructure

Architecture hosting all my web facing projects

Infrastructure code for my public public web-facing projects. Designed to accommodate containerized applications, static web servers, and community chat bot’s. Development streamed on Twitch and is an on-going project as I continue to support my communities.

Tools used:

  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Bash
  • Linux

Architecture documentation can be found here
